What is honey?
The sweetness of honey
The bees collect nectar from flowers. They add enzymes that cleave cane sugar to fructose and dextrose. This means that honey tastes sweeter than the same amount of sugar. Honey also contains 15-20 % water. So only by replacing white sugar with honey you can save up to half of the calories otherwise ingested.
Honey can be used for all kinds of cooking; at the breakfast table, in desserts, on top of fruits, in your tea and also as an ingredient in hot dishes. But honey also has other capacities; Honey has an effect against infections and prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi.
Honey can be used for many things!

Honey is an extraordinary food which has been produced through thousands of years.
In Denmark honey is primarily used for cooking but some also find the sweet product useful for natural medical treatments.
The Benefits of Honey
For further information on Danish honey - follow links, please:
Website for The Danish Bee-keepers Association (in Danish): http://www.biavl.dk/
How does Danish honey taste?
The Danish Bee-keepers Association has in co-operation with the Royal Veterinary and Agriculture University made a project in order of describing the taste of honey.
A so called "vocabularium" (dictionary) has been made by a panel of experts in which it is possible to describe the 6 most typical Danish honey types.
Read the vocabularium here - please:
If you or your child has a sore throat, honey is the answer
The old folk remedy honey for treating a sore throat really does work
All of the honey's good effects are becoming increasingly well documented.
A U.S. study of coughing children shows that you can give them a spoonful of honey before they go to sleep, resulting in a better night's sleep than if they were given cough syrup.
An American study from Penn State College of Medicine also shows honey's positive effect on coughing children aged 2-18 years. The study showed that using honey was even better than cough syrup.
They used buckwheat honey in the study and it was a simple but effective investigation. A 105 coughing children and adolescents participated in the study.
The children were divided into 3 groups: Group 1 received: Cough syrup with artificial honey flavor. Group 2 received: Honey and group 3 received: No treatment.
The next morning the parents of the children were asked to describe how their children had experienced the night. It turned out that honey gave the best results; the children who had the honey obtained better sleep and less painful cough.
Honey's effect on wound healing and inflamed wounds
Treatment of wounds
Honey has been used as a wound treatment for infected wounds since antiquity.
In the year 50 BC, the Greek physician Dioscorides Pedanius described that honey is good against "rotten wounds and deep wounds." It is also said that the Egyptians used honey in 1500 BC against inflamed and chronic wounds. You might think this healing effect is just an old folklore but it is in fact also scientifically proven that honey has a bactericidal effect on many different types of wounds - both acute and chronic.
Furthermore, honey increasingly wins foothold in hospitals for treatment of wounds that cannot be treated by other means.