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Canola oil with omega 3 is the best


Omega 3 and 6 are polyunsaturated fats and come from fish and vegetable oil that are beneficial for your health

Most oils are high in monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, and low in saturated fats, and are therefore considered better for your health than butter for example, (which is often made from cows’ milk and consists of butterfat, milk proteins and water).


When saturated fats from butter, some types of meat or palm oil are eaten to excess, they can raise blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. Moderate amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are beneficial as they lower blood cholesterol. Oils from plant sources (vegetable and nut oils) do not contain any cholesterol. In fact, no plant foods contain cholesterol.


Omega 3 and 6 belong to the polyunsaturated group of fats (with the other two main types being the monounsaturated and saturated families). Vegetable oils all contain varying amounts of these types of fat but are generally dominated by one. For example, rapeseed (also known as Canola oil) is predominantly a monounsaturated fat; sunflower oil is mainly a polyunsaturated fat and palm oil is largely saturated fat.



Which Oil to Choose?

For further articles on oils – follow links, please:


About Omega 3 fatty acids:


About which cooking oil to choose:


About canola oil:


About the benefits of canola oil:


A Danish article about the popularity of canola oil:

Cold-pressed Danish canola oil has a wonderful flavor, fragrance and color and is also very rich in omega 3, which is one of the most important fatty acids to the human body and one of the many benefits you get from using the canola oil instead of e.g. olive oil.

The Benefits of Oil

Use vegetable oil instead of butter and palm oil

Polyunsaturated fats help cell membranes remain flexible and porous, allowing nutrients to enter and waste products to leave. But the amount and balance of polyunsaturated fats we eat is important, too. The trend is for us to eat too high a proportion of omega 6 polyunsaturates (found in many vegetable oils, chicken and processed foods) and not enough omega 3 polyunsaturates (found in oily fish, some nuts, seeds and a select few vegetable oils) The trick is to make sure that this percentage consists of the right kinds of fat, which means steering clear of saturated and trans fats and instead use a vegetable oil preferably full of omega 3.


Highest level of omega 3 in flaxseed oil and canola oil

Flaxseed oil is the vegetable oil that has the highest content of omega 3 but also canola oil contains a high amount of omega 3. Oils contain both omega 3 and omega 6, but it is the ratio between the two types of fat that is important for how healthy the oil is for the body.  We must beware of too much omega 6 and try to get more omega 3, which has inhibitory effects on chronic inflammation and inflammatory processes in the body, suspected to promote cancer and cardiovascular disease.



Choose Canola oil instead of Olive oil


Olive oil is NOT the healthiest oil

It's kind of a myth that olive oil is one of the healthiest oils on the market. It is a fine vegetable oil for frying (regular olive oil) and dressing (extra virgin oil) because of the distinctive flavor, but olive oil contains many monounsaturated fatty acids and not so many of the polyunsaturated, making it less healthy than for example canola oil. Also, olive oil is not a good source of omega 3’s.

The name: Rapeseed oil or canola oil?

One of the best and healthiest alternatives to the heart-hostile fats is canola oil, a vegetable oil made possible by a plant that didn't even exist a half-century ago. Canola oil used to be called Rapeseed oil but the name was changed for marketing reasons. Canadian growers bred a new variety of rapeseed in the 1970s and the term canola was coined from "Canadian oil, low acid" to convince consumers that this oil was safe to eat. Canola oil has a low content of saturated fat - only 7% - and a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, including omega 3. Canola oil also has cross uses ranging from salad dressing to baking and frying.


Canola oil is popular in Scandinavia

Today, canola oil is one of Denmark’s prominent agricultural goods and especially canola oil based on the white floral rape is in popular demand. Besides the health benefits, which canola oil generally offers, the white-flowered rape seed oil is a prime ingredient in the new Nordic cuisine where taste and old traditions go hand in hand. This new kind of oil based on white floral rape has a milder taste and therefore lends itself well to marinades, dressings and baking.



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