Certificates and correct labeling are of the highest priority
In the EU food safety is considered a cornerstone of the food law and in this perspective current standards remain less organized in many other parts of the World. In Denmark food safety is both well organized and a top priority. In particular, food safety is an important aspect to Danish consumers even though food scandals are a very rare phenomenon in Denmark.
Traceability systems are implemented for all food categories and The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) carries out a wide range of controls regarding food safety and food hygiene. The DVFA’s main purpose is to ensure the safety and high quality of food, to advise on healthy eating habits and to protect the consumers against misleading marketing of food. Naturally, organic food has the highest traceability and control in order to ensure that the consumer always buys a healthy sustainable product. However, Danish governmental legislation is strict when it comes to all kinds of foods, wherefore several different certificates and precise labeling is required on all products.
Below are listed the most important labels and their meaning:
The Keyhole symbol: The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration’s Keyhole label
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration’s Keyhole label is a Nordic food label that can help the consumers identify healthier food products within a product group. Foods labelled with the keyhole symbol contain less fat, sugars and salt and more dietary fibre than food products of the same type not carrying the symbol.
Please read more about the Keyhole symbol here: http://www.noeglehullet.dk/services/English/forside.htm
The red Ø logo: The Danish state-controlled logo of organics.
The red Ø logo shows that the latest preparation of the product has taken place in a Danish company inspected by the public authorities. Therefore, the logo can be seen on both foods that originate from Danish organic farms and on imported foods that are processed, packed or labeled in Denmark.
Please read more about the Danish eco-label here: http://agrifish.dk/organic_farming.aspx?ID=46542
The Organic logo of the European Union
The Organic EU logo shows that the organic product is produced and controlled according to the standards in the European legislation (2092/91). It is voluntary to use the Ø logo and mandatory to use the EU logo. The green “Euro-leaf” replaced the old logo in 2010, (which consisted of a blue and green circle with white stars and a corn crop).
Please read more about the Organic logo of the European Union here: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/organic/files/eu-policy/logo/FAQ_logo_en.pdf
NO GMO food in Denmark
What are GM foods?
Genetically Modified foods have been the center of discussion globally in the last five years. Genetically modified (GM foods) are both food, which itself is GM food or food with ingredients derived from genetically modified plants, animals or microorganisms. The genetically modified foods controversy is a dispute over the relative advantages and disadvantages of food derived from GMOs: genetically modified crops used to produce food and other goods, and other uses of genetically modified organisms in food production. The dispute involves consumers, farmers, biotechnology companies, governmental regulators, non-governmental organizations and scientists.
The key areas of controversy
The key areas of controversy related to GM food are: risk of harm from GM food, whether GM food should be labeled, the role of government regulators, the effect of GM crops on the environment, the impact of GM crops for farmers, including farmers in developing countries, the role of GM crops in feeding the growing world population, and GM crops as part of the industrial agriculture system. Some advocacy groups such as Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund have concerns that risks of GM food have not been adequately identified and managed, and have questioned the objectivity of regulatory authorities. Opponents of food derived from GMOs are concerned about the safety of the food itself and wish for GMOs to be banned or at least labeled on the food packages of foods they are in.
No GMO in Danish stores
ONLY GMO FREE foods in Danish supermarkets
In Denmark and several other European countries it is required that GM foods should be tested and marked. There are only a few foods with genetically engineered parts that are allowed in Denmark and the other EU countries. These are products of soybean and some corn for animal feed. No supermarket chains have GM products on the shelves in Denmark today and Smagsriget does not support GM foods in any way. That is why we want you to buy organic food so that you as a consumer can be absolutely certain that you get tasteful, non-pesticide, healthy and GMO free products.
Furthermore, there are currently NO fields with GMO’s in Denmark or the rest of the EU according to The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.
Please, see the data here: http://1.naturerhverv.fvm.dk/sameksistensrelger.aspx?ID=14226
For more information about controls regarding food safety and food hygiene – please visit: http://www.foedevarestyrelsen.dk/english/Pages/default.aspx
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration have made a brochure about the legislation regarding GMO´s in Denmark.
Please, read it here (in Danish): http://www.foedevarestyrelsen.dk/Publikationer/Alle%20publikationer/2005207.pdf